Meet our new treasurer: Jamie Lee Visser

August 20th, 2017

Jamie Lee Visser

The candidate board would like to introduce itself one by one this week. Meet our new treasurer today, Jamie Lee Visser!

Hi everyone!

My name is Jamie Lee, but you can call me Jamie if you like. I am 22 years old and was born and raised in Zoetermeer. After obtaining my HBO diploma in Den Haag, I moved to Nijmegen to start with the pre-master Business Administration.

This year I will be the new treasurer of the board of Study Association Synergy. This means keeping track of all the financial flows and the budget of the study association. I make sure that the money is spent efficiently. Along with this, I am also responsible for the finances of Career Vision. Career Vision is a foundation that Synergy runs along with three other study associations in different cities in the Netherlands.

Last year I participated in the Business Trip Committee. For the business trip we went to Kopenhagen and Malmö in just two days and visited several companies. I really enjoyed organizing this trip and that is when I realized I want to do more for the study association. Therefore, I decided to apply for a function in the board of Synergy.

In my free time I like to hang out with friends, go shopping, participate in group lessons at the Radboud Sport or cook a nice meal.

I really look forward to coming year and I hope you do as well!

Kind regards,

Jamie Lee