Material Matters: Part 1

March 7th, 2017



Will this article trigger you to change your thinking about the environment?

We live in a society which changes disruptively. Not a day goes by without us being eyewitnesses of the erosion of familiar certainties. What we considered to be impossible is the reality of tomorrow. Is this really all that surprising, or have we simply overlooked the underlying causes? We have been denying urgent issues for many years. As long as the consequences are not right in front of us, we permit ourselves laxity. Only when these problems become so actual that they reach the daily news, we are willing to act. Unfortunately, by then it is too late for an adequate answer. Refugee crisis? Brexit?

A problem that is gaining urgency is the ecological crisis. Between-whiles we are confronted with images of cyclones or inundation. However, due to the buzz of the media world, these images fade into the background. This crisis is the direct result of our economic model in which the values of the income statement are the only parameters for decision making. Even more, our culture is imbued with unilateral economic thinking, which apparently justifies disregard of fundamental problems.

The earth is a closed system, and our stay here is only temporary. Our system is based on continuous economic growth. To conserve our system, we must consume in increasing quantities by reducing their technical lifetime under the guise of innovation.

Interested in my solution? Tag your friends in the Facebook post of this article. I will then both reveal my identity and provide you with a refractory solution in part 2.