February 17th, 2022 | 18.15h - 21.30h

Goffertstadion, Stadionplein 1

*Unfortunately the cantus will be held in Dutch*

On the 17th of February we will organise a Cantus together with JFV, the study association for the faculty of laws. This evening will be about creating brotherhood with one another and between the Study Associations. It is going to be a legendary evening, that you do not want to miss!

The cantus will take place at the Goffertstadion and it will start at 18:15h. Also, there will be a 'formal' dress code for the cantus. If you know anything that could be useful for the praesidium you can send the gossip to secretary@synergy.nu or you can fill in the box when subscribing (Note: this would take longer for you to register).

The registrations will open on Tuesday the 8th of February at 15:00h. Members can join the cantus for just €10,-, while non-members will pay €24,11.

You can unsubscribe up until 24 hours before the start of the activity. You will then receive back your money minus €0,36 iDeal costs.

*We will work with Testen voor Toegang. Make sure you have a valid certificate ready. More information can be found on: www.testenvoortoegang.org.*