Work Council (II): Faculty Student Council

28 november 2017

Sebastiaen Gonzalez Fernandez

As a student, there are various possibilities to have some influence in our university's policies. But where can you do that, what can you say, and how does the whole system work? Perhaps you have heard of PC, FSC, USC, etc., but as a student you probably wonder what those things are all about. In the upcoming weeks, I will discuss some of these terms. I’ll try to clarify the system of the participation bodies. In this article, I will explain the FSC.

The abbreviation 'FSC' stands for 'Faculty Student Council'. Every faculty has its own student council. This article will specifically discuss the FSC of our faculty. The FSC consists of six people, who were elected at the student elections and talk about the faculty’s policy. These people each have their own job responsibilities. Which people are in the FSC and which tasks they have can be found here.

The FSC aims to represent the interests of the students at faculty level. Where the Program Committee is more interested in the study program, the FSC deals with more general matters such as course schedules, education and examination regulations, the study center or the library. In the study center, for example, the FSC wants to have as many workspaces of high quality as possible and wide opening hours. In various meetings they provide input on how faculty matters can be done better or differently.

One of the most important meetings is the Faculty Council in which, together with the staff fraction and the dean’s office, (education) plans are discussed and they can vote on these plans. The adoption or amendment of the Education and Examination Regulations (EER) for example. This meeting is also public, so it is possible to drop by at such a meeting. You can contact the FSC for the dates and times.

Input from students and the Program Committees is important for the FSC, so that they know what is going on in the various programs. The FSC also maintains contact with the other Faculty Student Councils, so they can share knowledge and experiences.

If you run into things yourself at the level of the faculty or have ideas for improvement, then it is wise to contact the FSC via, so the FSC is able to improve the quality of the faculty. They can also be followed via their Facebook page.