Student on exchange

16 juni 2015

Emmy van der Pasch

Over the past year, the Synjaal Committee shared stories of Radboud students on exchange. Now, we’ll give the floor to incoming exchange students.

Meet Jovial Jiawei Zhang, an international student from China who studies in Canada at Western University. Being an international student in Canada wasn’t enough for Jovial, so he decided to go on exchange in the Netherlands for a few months.

When he arrived in the Netherlands at the end of January, he was impressed with the friendliness of the Dutch. They were all willing to speak English to make him feel comfortable: a very essential point in being abroad, if you ask me! Studying abroad is very different from what you’re used to, in my experience. Jovial agrees, since in Canada students usually have assignments, midterms, quizzes, and finals, whereas his grades in the Netherlands depend on only one final exam and maybe some assignment. Also, he needed to get used to the fact that all stores in the Netherlands close early, especially on Sundays, that people cycle literally everywhere, and, something I can really relate to, the lack of Tim Horton’s. Surprisingly, Jovial admits he misses the Canadian snow too!

Luckily for us, there are some things that Jovial loves about the Netherlands and Europe in general: Football, for example. He doesn’t understand why the sport is not that popular in North America, and he really enjoys watching the games. Besides that, there are no huge distances within or between countries in Europe as is the case for Canada. So far, Jovial travelled to Germany, Denmark, Czech, Belgium, and a few Dutch cities, and he’s currently planning a visit to Greece. In the little time of his exchange that is left, Jovial really tries to enjoy the culture of the Netherlands, and strengthening the amazing friendships he’s made so far.

It’s amazing to see for someone born and raised in the Netherlands that people are so excited about things that are common for people living here, and choose to go on exchange here. But, then again, speaking to Jovial made me realize once more that the Netherlands is pretty awesome!