(Pre)master Recruitment Dinner February

4 februari 2019

Arjan Roovers

*Unfortunately, the event will only be in Dutch*

The composition of the (upcoming) workforce poses a large challenge for companies and recruiters. While this puts graduates in a luxury position, the amount of information and opportunities may be overwhelming. Perhaps you have managed to narrow down your interests to a particular company size, industry or role reducing the vast surface of the job market jungle. While you are slashing through the vines you encounter corporate value statements, company culture portraits and employee testimonials. Perhaps you are sceptical because what company would tell you their people and culture are anything less than great? Evidently, matching here requires much more than just swiping right.

That being said, why wouldn’t you go on a date with a company? Say, over a four-course dinner Tuesday February 19th at De Waagh in Nijmegen? Dust-off your resume and join the recruiters of two companies out of EVG Start, ITrainee, KroeseWevers and Supply Value to learn more about the people that drive the company’s values. In the meantime, show them your good side too. Who knows, maybe you’ll take the conversation to their office and find yourself with an internship or job offer soon!

Remember, you have until February 6th to present your resume and swipe right.