Meet our new Marketing Officer: Wouter de Jong

24 augustus 2023


Hi everyone! My name is Wouter de Jong and this year I’ll be the Marketing Officer of Study Association Synergy. In this article I will introduce myself.

Hey all! I am Wouter de Jong and this coming year I will be the Marketing Officer of study association Synergy. This means that this year I am responsible for keeping track of all socials and promotion of Synergy. If you see anything of promotion passing by next year, I probably made it ;).

I am 21 years old and I am from Kampen (a small town next to Zwolle). Last year I finished the first year of the Dutch track of Business Administration and so this year I will start the second year of the study. In my free time I like to be with friends, whether this is playing games at home or going out into the city. I also really like to play field hockey and occasionally I can be found in the gym.

I am looking forward to getting to know you all next year. So hopefully I will see you at a Synergy activity, or in the office of Synergy! But now first, have fun during the orientation week!