
Bachelor programs
Are you interested in management, businesses and organizations? Then Business Administration is the perfect study for you. Organizations are interesting objects to study because they are complex and constantly changing. Managing a company increasingly requires employees to analyse complex situations and that they develop practical solutions to problems the organization finds itself confronted with. This is exactly what you will learn during your studies in Nijmegen. There are three study programs you can choose: Bedrijfskunde (Dutch/English), Business Administration (English) and Recht en Management (Dutch).

Business Administration offers a broad range of topics, with consideration not only for international management, but also for psychology, sociology, communication, economics, and law. You will look at the interaction between all stakeholders involved, such as managers, employees, shareholders and clients; a framework that is even more complex and interesting within international interactions.

From this perspective, companies need employees who can generate solutions. This is why you receive a thorough scientific education in Nijmegen. Analysing business cases and generating solutions to problems and executing these in your future career are fundamental. You will regularly receive examples of practical situations during lectures and be presented with the question: what could be improved?

The first year of your studies will be an introduction to the programme and all students enrolling in Business Administration or Bedrijfskunde will start in this first year. After your first year you can continue your study in Business Administration or Bedrijfskunde but it is also possible to choose the International Business Administration track (criteria apply) and Business Economics.

The Nijmegen School of Management teaches over 300 courses every year as part of its Bachelor’s programmes. Many of these courses are open to students from other faculties as elective courses. You can also take one or more of these courses if you are not enrolled as a student at the university (assuming there is space). More information about electives and an overview of the elective courses can be found on the website of the university

The Dutch study Recht & Management is a combination between the study of Law and Business Administration. You can obtain the Master of Law and the Master of Business Administration titles in five years. With only one year of extra study time you will get the master's degrees of both courses. During the first four years of your studies, you will be following a program of 12 courses from the Bachelor's program in Business Administration in addition to the course Law.

Recht & Management is an ideal preparation for functions as corporate lawyer, lawyer in business law, manager, policy officer, executive secretary and organizational adviser. You can of course also engage in other professions that you can become with just a degree in Law or Business Administration.